Barr Yaron

Barr Yaron

Barr Yaron is the founder of Women of Startup Nation, an organization devoted to advancing Israeli women in technology and entrepreneurship. She is also a technologist, early stage investor, and Sequoia scout. Barr grew up in the United States to two Israeli parents. After interning in a wide range of industries, from the White House to Wall Street to Beyonce’s digital team, she was drawn to technology for its fast pace of change and potential to move society forward. She always wanted to live in Israel and relocated from Silicon Valley to Tel Aviv in 2016 through her work as a data scientist at Facebook. In late 2016 she founded Women of Startup Nation, an online page dedicated to the incredible achievements and stories of Israeli women in tech. She has interviewed over 150 Israeli women in technology and shared their stories, growing the platform to 20K+ followers. This platform has partnered with organizations around the country to help them increase female applicant pipelines.   In summer 2019, Barr expanded Women of Startup Nation to co-found Women of Startup Nation Accelerator, a full-time program in partnership with Google for Startups with the goal of accelerating the success of female-founded startups. Outside of Women of Startup Nation, Barr works in product management, as an angel investor, and as a founding General Partner of a fund for startups coming from her Stanford class. She graduated with her B.A. in Applied Mathematics, Economics and Computer Science from Harvard College as a John Harvard Scholar and her MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business as an Arjay Miller Scholar.

Info about the founder

Barr Yaron is the founder of Women of Startup Nation, an organization devoted to advancing Israeli women in technology and entrepreneurship. She is also a technologist, early stage investor, and Sequoia scout. Barr grew up in the United States to two Israeli parents. After interning in a wide range of industries, from the White House to Wall Street to Beyonce’s digital team, she was drawn to technology for its fast pace of change and potential to move society forward. She always wanted to live in Israel and relocated from Silicon Valley to Tel Aviv in 2016 through her work as a data scientist at Facebook. In late 2016 she founded Women of Startup Nation, an online page dedicated to the incredible achievements and stories of Israeli women in tech. She has interviewed over 150 Israeli women in technology and shared their stories, growing the platform to 20K+ followers. This platform has partnered with organizations around the country to help them increase female applicant pipelines.   In summer 2019, Barr expanded Women of Startup Nation to co-found Women of Startup Nation Accelerator, a full-time program in partnership with Google for Startups with the goal of accelerating the success of female-founded startups. Outside of Women of Startup Nation, Barr works in product management, as an angel investor, and as a founding General Partner of a fund for startups coming from her Stanford class. She graduated with her B.A. in Applied Mathematics, Economics and Computer Science from Harvard College as a John Harvard Scholar and her MBA from Stanford Graduate School of Business as an Arjay Miller Scholar.

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